• No payment will be made to the participants at Stage-I

  • An equal honorarium of US$7,500.00 will be paid to each of the five teams shortlisted to take part in Stage-II including the eventual winner.

  • The honorarium payment will be made to the shortlisted teams and will only be released on delivery of compliant Stage-II submissions. Compliance will be determined by members of the jury panel.

  • The winning entry will be awarded a prize of US$ 75,000.00.

  • If the winning design is used in the final commission a comparable amount of this prize will be adjusted against the contract fee in the future.

  • The winner will be commissioned to commence work on the project, with further design development and contract administration.

  • The professional fees for engagement of the winner of the competition as a consultant for further detailing of the project shall be USD 375000.0 approx.(INR 2.5 crore ) / as per the design intent, inclusive of all the admissible taxes. A comparable amount of the prize money USD 75,000.0 will be adjusted against the project fees. In case the project has been dropped due to any reason, then the fees till that stage shall be given after adjusting the prize money US$ 75000.0 and nothing extra will be paid.