The jury will evaluate the applications of Stage-I based on the following criteria:

  • Uniqueness and originality of the design proposal,

  • Architectural expression, language , form,

  • Landscape sensitivity and responsible ecological enhancement ,

  • Economic viability with sustainable solutions,

  • Partnership (of local and international firms),

  • Professional Team Composition

The scoring criteria to be used for evaluation will be as follows:

Judging / Evaluation Criteria for Stage-I

The jury will assess the competition entries as per following criteria stated as under :

S. No Description Marks Remarks
1 Landscape design proposal, work plan and methodology 70
  • Uniqueness and originality of the design proposal as to respond to the needs of all age groups.

  • Architectural expression of built infrastructure (permanent and temporary) as per the design concept.

  • Potential of the design as a sensitive sustainable and ecological landscape proposal and integration with the development around the site and linking with the existing and proposed public transport as well as upcoming infrastructure projects.

  • Buildability in terms of Structure, Materials Palette.

  • Proposed work plan and methodology to address the sustenance.

35 50% of the maximum marks shall be awarded for the uniqueness of the proposed master plan for the area.

Economic viability, sustainability and cost analysis.

  • Operation and maintenance model

  • Tentative Project cost;

  • Phasing of the project and practicality of proposed time-lines;

  • Self-sustainability of the proposed plan; and

  • Adoption of green technology

15 The remaining 50% shall be awarded for
(a) operation and maintenance model;
(b) tentative Project cost;
(c) phasing of the project and practicality of proposed time-lines;
(d) self-sustainability of the proposed plan; and
(e) adoption of green technology
1c Partnership (of local and international firms), 10
1d Professional Team Composition 10
2 Past Experience in such projects 10 30% of the maximum marks shall be awarded for the number of Eligible Assignments undertaken by the Applicant firm. The remaining 70% shall be awarded for:
(i) the comparative size and quality of Eligible Assignmen
(ii) overall turnover, experience and capacity of the firm;
(iii) Any international award or commendation; and
(iv) any certification from GRIHA/ LEED for sustainable projects.
3 Relevant experience of the Key personnel 20 25% of the maximum marks for each Key Personnel shall be awarded for the number of Eligible Assignments the respective Key Personnel has worked on. The remaining 75% shall be awarded for:
(i) the comparative size and quality of Eligible Assignments; and
(ii) other relevant assignments or similar work in infrastructure sectors.
3a Team Leader 8
3b Urban Designer 3
3c Infrastructure Expert 3
3d Green Building/Sustainability expert 3
3e Project Management Consultant 3

Evaluation Criteria for Stage-II

The evaluation for

The jury will assess the Stage-II entries as per following design intent:

  • Development of the design idea,

  • Response to and compliance with technical brief ,

  • Overall quality of proposed approach and design concept including its potential to act as a landmark,

  • Minimization of future maintenance liabilities and operational costs

The marking will be as under.

Criteria Weightage
Development of Landscape Concept Design Idea, sustainable strategies ecosystems 45
Iconic landscape features and Architecture 25
Urbanism 10
Technical aspects, Minimization of future maintenance liabilities and operational costs 10
Response to and compliance with technical brief , 10
total 100
** Additionally the jury reserves the right to select projects that don’t meet all of the brief’s criteria as long as they justify selection.
* The jury reserves the right to add additional criteria that they determine to factor into the program and the project site.